Truth be told about anime

You will always hear people saying that "anime it's just for kids since are cartoons". the truth is, anime is a whole industry with a variety of genres and topics addressed to all kind of ages and preferences. of course you will find anime for kids, but will also find for teens and mature people. juts like there are all kind of different movies produced in Hollywood for all kinds of ages and preferences, so there are different kinds of anime.

For those who loves romance, comedy, drama, action, suspense, terror, erotic, sci-fi, fantasy, sports, music, etc... specialized for teen girls, teen boys, women, men, kids, and even LGBT... there is an anime that fit among those categories, just pick what interest you more and start there, then if you want you can try some other genre that could catch your attention.

Personally, I started as a kid with captain tsubasa (sports) followed by sailor moon (girly) pokemon and digimon (kids, fantasy). As I grew up, my preferences changed. As a  teenager was more interested in romantic comedies like kaichou wa maid sama (ususi it's just the best) and suspense like Death Note (one of the best anime ever!) and full metal alchemist (it have it all man!). and then... I could not stop!. I just found what i like depending my situation, age stage and preferences at the moment (it's ok to grow up and move on, change your perspective and learn something new).

Imagen relacionadaResultado de imagen para sailor moonResultado de imagen para digimonResultado de imagen para death noteResultado de imagen para kaichou wa maid samaResultado de imagen para fullmetal alchemist brotherhood wallpaper

As for drama, i'm not into that to much but I gave a opportunity to it, watching shigatsu wa kimi no uso (your lie in april), and even when I had to be patient the first 2 episodes, later it was totaly woth it! I cryed my eyes out and it felt good. it caught me because it develops in a musician environment and I love music.

Resultado de imagen para shigatsu wa kimi no uso

Because of that I have tried other genres that I'm usually not interested in, and some caught me other not that much.

My point at the end, there should be something that might interest you. Just give it a chance. there are all kind "outfits" for this. You will find series of 10- 13 episodes of 24 min each or shorter, or just movies. If you can with long long long stories, you can try things like Connan detective, Naruto or One piece

If you are a parent and your child is into it, try it first before judging your child and then give guidance to him/her about what to watch.

Hope you have a good sailing and if you have doubts or want some advice regarding what to watch according to your preferences, feel free to write in the comments and i'll try to my best of my knowledge to guide you trough.


